Our Mission

Be Made WholeMany people have not realized that God’s design is for us to be whole and complete: not lacking anything. Our mission is to encourage, empower and equip, people with the necessary resources to become whole in the areas of Faith, Fitness, and Finance. Why Start This Business Now? During this global pandemic, we discovered that our communities were impacted in three key areas:

  • Their Faith ~ spiritually we were not able to meet in a corporate setting to encourage one another and provide the spiritual nourishment to empower our members to walk by faith.
  • Their Fitness ~ Covid-19 impacted the African American community significantly because of several reasons. But I noticed that we were not as healthy as we needed to be. We take good health for granted until we are impacted physically.
  • Their Finances ~ With many businesses closing down and the economy taking a turn for the worst; many people had to await some sort of government assistance to simply make ends meet. They did not have any other streams of income to maintain their financial well-being.

With these factors, God gave me the vision to begin, Be Made Whole LLC. This company was birthed from the pain and problems caused by the Pandemic. With the tools of technology, we will be able to impact the world through teaching and training. Our mission is to provide the necessary resources to fulfill the desires of God's plan in Jeremiah 29:11, "Plans to prosper, gives us hope and a future".

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